Name: Full-Moon Number Milestone-Card Baby Birth-Month Photography-Props Commemorative Newborn
Rated 4.7/5
based on 13 Reviews
Shop910360285 Store
Price :$5.63 In stock
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Having numerous categories of Full-Moon Number Milestone-Card Baby Birth-Month Photography-Props Commemorative Newborn and different types of products in a certain category can make life so much easier. Completely different products in a certain category can be compared in a flash and one can even swap between categories if you in the market for several category of product. It's just like having your own mini computer system shopping center at your finger suggestions....More
Customer reviews:
Date: 18 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Saver Shipping
Algunas vinieron con la tinta de los números algo corrida pero para mí son perfectas, me parece que le dan un toque envejecido y ¡me encanta! Por el precio que tienen la calidad es bastante aceptable, lo recomiendo.